Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is intended to describe how this site is managed, with reference to the processing of the personal data of users / visitors who consult it. This is an information that is also provided pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/03 - Code regarding the protection of personal data - to those who connect to this website and use the related web services starting from the address The information is provided only for the aforementioned site and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user through specific links.Users / visitors must carefully read this Privacy Policy before forwarding any type of personal information and / or filling in any electronic form present on the site itself.


Users' personal data will be lawfully processed by Valentina Capuleti pursuant to art. 6 of the Regulation for the following processing purposes:

1.contractual obligations and provision of Services : User data collected by Valentina Capuleti for the purposes listed above include:

      1. i. for browsing the Site: IP address and log data.
        ii. to allow the user to register on the Site and to execute the Conditions of Use of the Site, accepted during registration: the name, the surname and the nickname voluntarily chosen, the age, the province of residence / domicile, the sex , e-mail address.
        iii. for the management of any requests received through the customer service and / or the Site: the data processed are name, surname, e-mail address, and other data that may be necessary depending on the circumstance (for example the order number ; address etc.).
        iv. to allow the use of the Services, including by way of example the purchase of products, the shipment of the purchased products, manage any returns of the purchased products: the data processed are the name, the surname, the shipping address, the email address, as well as any personal information of the User possibly and voluntarily communicated, for example in the case of a return note.

Unless the User gives Valentina Capuleti specific and optional consent to the processing of their data for further purposes, the User's personal data will be used by Valentina Capuleti for the purpose exclusive to ascertain the identity of the User (also by validating the e-mail address), thus avoiding possible scams or abuses, and to contact the User for reasons of service only (eg sending notifications relating to the Services) and / or manage orders and requests as indicated above. Without prejudice to the provisions elsewhere in this privacy statement, in no case will Valentina Capuleti make the personal data of Users accessible to other Users and / or third parties.

The legal basis on which the processing is based is the need to execute the pre-contractual and contractual obligations to which the User is a party. The provision of personal data for the processing purposes indicated above is optional, but necessary, since failure to provide them will make it impossible for the User to browse the site, register on the Site and use the Services (eg make purchases on the Website).

2. administrative-accounting purposes , or to carry out activities of an organizational, administrative, financial and accounting nature, such as internal organizational activities and activities functional to the fulfillment of contractual obligations and pre-contractual.

The legal basis of the processing is the need to to execute contractual and pre-contractual obligations to which the User is a party and the need to fulfill legal obligations The provision of personal data for these purposes is mandatory to finalize purchases on the site and to fulfill legal obligations.

3 legal obligations , or to fulfill obligations established by law, by an authority, by a regulation or by European legislation. to fulfill legal obligations. The provision of personal data for this purpose is therefore mandatory.
The provision of personal data for the processing purposes indicated above is optional, but failure to provide it will make it impossible for the User to browse the Site, register on the Site and use its Services.


The 'User can subscribe to the service using the appropriate "Newsletter" form available on the Website by providing their e-mail address. The e-mail address provided by the User will be stored in the database managed by Valentina Capuleti.

The legal basis for the processing is the explicit consent of the User to the processing of data for this purpose (sending newsletters). This consent is free and optional.

In case of lack of consent, the ability to browse the Site and / or register on the Site will not be affected in any way.

In the event of consent, the User may at any time revoke the same, by making a request in the manner indicated in paragraph 6 below.

The User can also easily oppose further newsletter sending by clicking on the appropriate link for the withdrawal of consent, which is present in each email containing the newsletter. Once the consent has been revoked, the User will receive an e-mail message to confirm that the consent has been revoked.


Valentina Capuleti will process Users' personal data using manual and IT tools, with logic strictly related to the purposes themselves and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data.

Users' personal data will be kept for the time strictly necessary to carry out the primary purposes illustrated in paragraph 1 above, or in any case according to the provisions of the law and / or necessary for the protection of interests in civil law.

Valentina Capuleti undertakes to delete from its systems the data provided for subscription to the newsletter following the opposition to the processing for this purpose by the User.

Valentina Capuleti may keep the data to fulfill regulatory obligations, or to ascertain, exercise or defend a right in court.

Once the purposes for which the data were collected and processed have been achieved, Valentina Capuleti will take the appropriate measures to make them anonymous, so as to prevent your identification, remaining in any case the possibility of continuing to use the data in anonymous form.


Third parties who process personal data as "External Data Processors" may become aware of the Users' personal data, such as, by way of example, suppliers of IT and logistical services functional to the operation of the Site and / or of the Services, outsourced service providers, hosting or cloud computing, professionals and consultants

Users have the right to obtain a list of any appointed data processors by making a request in the manner indicated in paragraph 6 below

Furthermore, the personal data of the Users may be communicated by Valentina Capuleti, to the extent that this is necessary and essential to execute contractual obligations, to independent third parties data controllers, such as the managers of payment services and services. logistics necessary for the delivery of goods sold through the Site. These independent owners will process the User's data exclusively for the purpose of correctly fulfilling orders relating to the Services.


All data processing takes place in Italy.

Should there be a need to transfer data to other other third countries, Valentina Capuleti who carries out the transfer undertakes to ensure that:

  • the third country in which the data will be sent guarantees an adequate level of protection, as required by art. 45 GDPR; or
  • use the standard contractual data protection clauses approved by the European Commission for the transfer of personal information outside the EEA pursuant to art. 46.2 GDPR.


Users can exercise the rights guaranteed to them by the Applicable Law, by contacting Valentina Capuleti in the following ways:

  • By sending a registered letter with return receipt to Valentina Capuleti

Furthermore, Users have the right to obtain:

a) access, updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data;
b) cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of law, including those that do not need to be kept for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;
c) certification that the operations referred to in letters a) and b) have been brought to knowledge, also as regards their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case in which this fulfillment proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right;
d) the right to withdraw consent at any time, if the processing is based on their consent;
e) (where applicable) the right to data portability (right to receive all personal data concerning them in a structured format, from common use and readable by automatic device), the right to limit the processing of personal data and the right to cancellation ("right to be forgotten");
f) the right to object:
in whole or in part , for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning them, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;
in whole or in part, to the processing of personal data concerning them for the purpose of sending advertising or direct sales material or for carrying out market research or commercial communication
g) if personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes, at any time, to the processing of their data for this purpose, including profiling to the extent that it is connected to such direct marketing; if they believe that the processing that concerns them violates the Regulation, the right to lodge a complaint with a Supervisory Authority (in the Member State in which they usually reside, in the one in which they work or in the one in which the alleged violation has occurred) 'The Italian supervisory authority is the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, based in Piazza Venezia n. 11, 00187 - Rome ( The Company undertakes to comply with all the obligations set out in this information. Interested parties who decide to propose the above appeals or complaints are invited to contact us.


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